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Version: 1.0.0

Verify Link


Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.


The Verify Link is used to initiate the verification process for a verifiable credential, in the context of the Mock App system, a Digital Product Passport (DPP), a Digital Conformity Credential or Digital Traceability Events. It provides a standardised way to access, decrypt (if necessary), verify the authenticity and integrity of a credential, and render the credential on the verify page of the Mock App system.


The general structure of the verify link is as follows:

{verify_app_address}?q={payload:{uri:{uri_of_credential}, key:{decryption_key}, hash:{hash_of_credential}}}


  1. {verify_app_address}: The base URL of the verification application.
  2. q: Query parameter that contains the encoded payload.
  3. payload: An object containing the necessary information for verification.
  4. uri: The URI where the credential can be accessed.
  5. key (optional): The decryption key, if the credential is encrypted.
  6. hash: The hash of the credential for integrity verification.

Encoded vs Decoded Query

Decoded (Human-readable) Example:

http://localhost:3001/verify?q={payload:{uri:'http://localhost:3001/conformity-credentials/steel-mill-1-emissions.json', key:'secret', hash:'595d8d20c586c6f55f8a758f294674fa85069db5c518a0f4cbbd3fd61f46522f'}}

Encoded (URL-safe) Example:


Production Example: