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Version: 1.0.0

Default Verification Service Link


Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.


The DefaultVerificationServiceLink object defines the default link and parameters of the verification service used when verifying credentials within the verify page of the Mock App system.

The typical flow is as follows:

  1. A user runs through the scanning app flow.
  2. The resulting credential is passed to the verify page of the Mock App system.
  3. The verify page uses the verification service defined in the Default Verification Service Link object to verify the credential.

This object ensures that the Mock App system has a consistent and predefined method for credential verification.


"defaultVerificationServiceLink": {
"title": "Default Verification Service",
"context": "Default Verification Service",
"type": "application/json",
"href": "http://localhost:3332/agent/routeVerificationCredential",
"hreflang": ["en"],
"apiKey": "test123"


titleNoThe title of the verification service.String
contextNoThe context or description of the verification service.String
hrefYesThe URL of the verification service endpoint.String
hreflangNoAn array of language codes that the service supports.String[]
apiKeyYesThe API key required to access the verification service.String
typeNoThe MIME type of the expected response, e.g., "application/json".String