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Version: 1.0.0

Construct Application Identifier Data


Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.


The constructAiData object defines the schema for constructing event data for getting Application Identifier (AI) data. It will be used to fetch the AI data from the JSON form or the credential object which are not explicitly defined the data model.


"primary": {
"ai": "01",
"path": "/registeredId"
"qualifiers": [
"ai": "21",
"path": "/serialNumber"
"ai": "10",
"path": "/batchNumber"


primaryYesThe primary AI that defines the AI code and the path for primary AI valueAI config
qualifiersNoThe list of qualifiers that define the AI code and the path for qualifier AI valueAI config[]

AI config

aiYesThe AI code that defines the AI dataString
pathYesThe JSON pointer path to extract the AI data from the credential objectString