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Version: 1.0.0

Component Type


Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.


The type property in a component configuration specifies the role or purpose of the component within the feature. It determines how the component interacts with other parts of the system and what kind of data it handles.


The type property is a required field in the component configuration. It is used in conjunction with the name property to define the behavior and rendering of the component.



Components with the EntryData type are responsible for capturing or providing input data. They are typically used for forms, data entry fields, or components that load data from a source.


Components with the Submit type are used for triggering actions or submitting data. They are often used for buttons that initiate a process or send data to a service.

When a Submit type component is activated, it executes the first element in the services array. Components and services can be chained together, allowing each subsequent Submit event to correspond to executing the next element in the services array.


Components with the Result type are used to display or handle the output of a process. They are typically used for showing the results of an action or displaying processed data.


Components with the Void type are self-describing and do not perform any action. They can be used as placeholders or for components that don't need to interact with the system's data flow or service execution.


"name": "JsonForm",
"type": "EntryData",
"props": {
"schema": { /* ... */ },
"onChange": { /* ... */ }

In this example, the JsonForm component is of type EntryData, indicating that it's used for data input.

"name": "CustomButton",
"type": "Submit",
"props": {
"label": "Submit",
"onClick": { /* ... */ }

Here, the CustomButton component is of type Submit, indicating that it's used to trigger an action or submit data. When clicked, it will execute the first service in the services array.

"name": "Spacer",
"type": "Void",
"props": {
"height": "20px"

This example shows a Void type component that might be used to add spacing in the UI without interacting with the system's data or services.