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QR Code Scanner Dialog Button


Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.


The QRCodeScannerDialogButton component is responsible for rendering a button that allows the user to scan a QR code. The component will return the data that is scanned by the user.

Example app-config

"name": "QRCodeScannerDialogButton",
"type": "EntryData",
"props": {
"style": { "margin": "40px auto", "paddingTop": "40px", "width": "80%" }



nameYesThe name of the component(should be "QRCodeScannerDialogButton")String
typeYesThe type of the component (should be "EntryData")ComponentType
propsYesThe properties for the QRCodeScannerDialogButtonProps


styleNoThe style for the componentStyle
typeNoThe type of data (should be 'VerifiableCredential' and 'JSON'), the default is 'VerifiableCredential'PayloadType
vcOptionsNoThe options for the VC data processingVC component configuration

Data Structure

The data payload of the QR code URL will should be any JSON object. The component will fetch the data from the URL and return the data to the user. The returned data will be an array with one object that has the key as the URL of the QR code and the value as the data that is fetched from the URL. In the case of a verifiable credential, the data will be verified based on the vcOptions provided in the component. When the data is enveloped VC, the component will decode the enveloped VC and return as the same level path as the original VC.

Example data structure

  • When import a file that contains a JSON object:

    // imported JSON file
    "name": "Alice",
    "age": 25

    The return data will be:

    // return data
    "data.json": {
    "name": "Alice",
    "age": 25
  • When import a file that contains a VC and the vcOptions is set as below:

    // vcOptions
    "credentialPath": "/",
    "vckitAPIUrl": "",
    "headers": { "Authorization": "Bearer test" }
    // imported VC file
    "@context": [""],
    "type": ["VerifiableCredential"],
    "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:example:123",
    "name": "Alice"

    The return data will be:

    // return data
    "VC1.json": {
    "@context": [""],
    "type": ["VerifiableCredential"],
    "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:example:123",
    "name": "Alice"

    The imported data will be verified and return the original VC.

  • When import a file that contains a enveloped VC and the vcOptions is set as below:

    // vcOptions
    "credentialPath": "/",
    "vckitAPIUrl": "",
    "headers": { "Authorization": "Bearer test123" }
    // imported VC file
    "@context": [""],
    "id": "data:application/vc-ld+jwt,jwt",
    "type": "EnvelopedVerifiableCredential"

    The return data will be:

    // return data
    "VC1.json": {
    "vc": {
    "@context": [""],
    "id": "data:application/vc-ld+jwt,jwt",
    "type": "EnvelopedVerifiableCredential"
    "decodedEnvelopedVC": {
    "@context": [""],
    "type": ["VerifiableCredential"],
    "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:example:123",
    "name": "Alice"

    Based on the above example, the imported data will be verified and transformed to an object that contains the original VC and the decoded VC.