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Version: 1.0.1

Preconfigured Setup: Seed Identifier Script


Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.


The easiest way to create a did:web in Project VCkit is by using the Seed Identifier Script. This method automatically sets up a did:web pointing to the preconfigured GitHub Pages URL for Project VCkit.

This setup is ideal for developers who need a quick and reliable did:web for testing or development without configuring custom hosting.

How to Use

In this guide, we'll use CLI to seed the preconfigured identifier. Before proceeding, ensure that you have the CLI set up. Go here to set up the CLI

Run the Seed Identifier Script:
Navigate to your project directory and run the following command:

pnpm seed-identifier

The Docker Compose entrypoint includes a shell command to run the seed-identifier script automatically.

Resulting DID

The script will generate a did:web that points to the following GitHub Pages URL:

What Happens

  • The script imports the predefined identifier located in the repo at /development/did-web-identifier.

  • This identifier contains the public and private key pair, which is then imported into the local key management system (KMS).

  • The did:web document itself has already been generated and hosted at

When to Use This Method

For Development and Testing

If you're in the development phase and don't want the hassle of setting up your own domain or local server, this method gives you a preconfigured did:web that’s easy to use.

Quick Start for New Users

New users can immediately start working with decentralised identity without any additional configuration.