📄️ Introduction
VCkit is built on top of Veramo - a Javascript agent framework - to provide a structured and modular approach to building decentralized identity and credentialing solutions.
📄️ Credential Merkle Disclosure Proof
This package get idea from merkle-disclosure-proof-2021 and implement to be a plugin for Veramo. It follows the proposal Credential Merkle Disclosure Proof to generate a Merkle proof from a credential.
📄️ Credential OpenAttestation Plugin
- This plugin is used for issuing and verifying verifiable credential that adhere to OpenAttestation framework
📄️ Credential Router
This plugin is used to route for issuing and verifying verifiable credential that will navigate to the correct plugin based on the proof format of the credential.
📄️ Encrypted Storage
The encrypted storage plugin provides a secure storage for the agent. It is used to store the verifiable credentials that issued when call the routeCreationVerifiableCredential method.
📄️ Renderer Plugin
The Renderer Plugin is a module that provides rendering capabilities for verifiable credentials. It allows you to render verifiable credentials using different render methods, such as HTML templates.
📄️ Revocation list 2020
The revocation list 2020 plugin is used to revoke and verify the verify credential based on the revocation list 2020 https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-status-rl-2020/