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Before proceeding, we need to create the configuration file. The Tier 2 test suite config file defines the credentials being tested, the schema version to test against, and the location of the credential being tested.

Generating the configuration file

To generate the configuration file, run the following command:

yarn run untp config

This will create a base configuration file named credentials.json in the base directory of the Tier 2 test suite folder: tests-untp/packages/untp-test-suite/credentials.json.

Structure of the configuration file

The generated configuration file will have the following structure:

"credentials": [
"type": "aggregationEvent",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": ""
"type": "conformityCredential",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": ""
"type": "objectEvent",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": ""
"type": "productPassport",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": ""
"type": "transactionEvent",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": ""
"type": "transformationEvent",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": ""


The value of the credentials property is an array of objects containing information about the credential type (corresponding to a schema), the credential schema version, and the location of the credential to be tested.

Schema and version structure

The schemas used in the test suite are located in the following directory structure:

└── untp-test-suite/
└── src/
└── schemas/
├── aggregationEvent/
│ └── v0.0.1/
│ └── schema.json
├── conformityCredential/
│ └── v0.0.1/
│ └── schema.json
├── objectEvent/
│ └── v0.0.1/
│ └── schema.json
├── productPassport/
│ └── v0.0.1/
│ └── schema.json
├── transactionEvent/
│ └── v0.0.1/
│ └── schema.json
└── transformationEvent/
└── v0.0.1/
└── schema.json


The type property value corresponds to the folder name within the src/schemas directory of the test suite. This allows logical grouping of schema versions. For example, "type": "aggregationEvent" corresponds to the aggregationEvent folder.


The version property value corresponds to the folder name within the respective credential type folder. For example, "version": "v0.0.1" corresponds to the v0.0.1 folder within the credential type folder.

Data Path

The dataPath value is the relative location of the credential you want to test against the schema type and version.

Adding test credentials

To test credentials developed or produced by a UNTP implementation against the core UNTP data model:

  1. Create a directory to store the credentials you want to test:
cd packages/untp-test-suite
mkdir credentials
  1. Add the credentials you want to test to the directory created in the previous step. The files should have unique names and be in JSON format:
└── untp-test-suite/
├── credentials/
├── aggregationEvent-sample.json
├── conformityCredential-sample.json
├── objectEvent-sample.json
├── productPassport-sample.json
├── transactionEvent-sample.json
└── transformationEvent-sample.json
  1. Update the config file to point to the location of the credential you want to test within the corresponding object and save the file:
"credentials": [
"type": "aggregationEvent",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": "credentials/aggregationEvent-sample.json"
"type": "conformityCredential",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": "credentials/conformityCredential-sample.json"
"type": "objectEvent",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": "credentials/objectEvent-sample.json"
"type": "productPassport",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": "credentials/productPassport-sample.json"
"type": "transactionEvent",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": "credentials/transactionEvent-sample.json"
"type": "transformationEvent",
"version": "v0.0.1",
"dataPath": "credentials/transformationEvent-sample.json"

You have now successfully configured the Tier 2 test suite to test your credentials against the core UNTP data model.