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The Rendering component of the UNTP extensions focuses on how credential data is visually presented. It utilises a Render Template, which is crucial in ensuring consistent and flexible presentation of product information across different systems and applications. To support uptake across supply chain actors with varying levels of technical maturity, human rendering of digital credentials is essential.

Render Template Structure

The Render Template is defined within the credential's renderMethod property. It includes the following key elements:

  • name: An optional identifier for the template
  • template: The HTML structure with placeholders for dynamic content
  • type: The type of rendering template (e.g., "RenderTemplate2024")
  • mediaType: The MIME type of the rendered output (typically "text/html")
  • mediaQuery: Optional CSS media queries for responsive design
  • digestMultibase: A hash of the template for integrity verification

Example Input

Here's an example of a credential with a render method:

"credential": {
"@context": [
"ex": "",
"renderMethod": "",
"template": "ex:template",
"url": "ex:url",
"mediaQuery": "ex:mediaQuery"
"renderMethod": [
"name": "template name",
"template": "<p>{{}}</p>",
"type": "RenderTemplate2024",
"mediaType": "text/html",
"mediaQuery": "@media (min-width: 1024px) {.name {font-weight: bold}}",
"digestMultibase": "zQmXF936JrjET6pCRdTfs5czN8Ch65NHfsGqKkAwwLkviHA"
"credentialSubject": {
"name": "Jane Doe"

Expected Output

A successful render should return a response in the following format:

"documents": [
"type": "RenderTemplate2024",
"renderedTemplate": "PHN0eWxlPkBtZWRpYSAobWluLXdpZHRoOiAxMDI0cHgpIHsubmFtZSB7Zm9udC13ZWlnaHQ6IGJvbGR9fTwvc3R5bGU+PHA+SmFuZSBEb2U8L3A+",
"name": "template name"

The renderedTemplate is a base64-encoded string representing the final HTML output, including any specified styles and the rendered credential data.


To test your Rendering implementation, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the Test Suite:

    • Navigate to the config file: packages/vc-test-suite/config.ts
    • Update the RenderTemplate2024 section:
    export default {
    implementationName: 'UNTP ACME',
    testSuites: {
    RenderTemplate2024: {
    url: 'http://localhost:3332/agent/renderCredential',
    headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer test123' },
    method: 'POST',
    • Adjust the url, headers, and method as necessary for your implementation.
  2. Run the Test:

    • Navigate to packages/vc-test-suite
    • In your terminal, run the command: yarn test
  3. View Test Results:

    • Navigate to packages/vc-test-suite/reports/index.html
    • Open this file in a web browser
    • Look for the "RenderTemplate2024" section to view your test results
  • url: This is the full URL for the credential renderer endpoint of your verifiable credential service.

  • headers: An object containing any additional HTTP headers required for the request to the verifiable credential service. You may need to add headers depending on your implementation.

  • method: The HTTP method used to request the rendered credential from the verifiable credential service. In this case, it's set to 'POST'.