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The VCkit
object contains configuration details for the Verifiable Credential service, which is used to issue and manage Verifiable Credentials.
Property | Required | Description | Type |
vckitAPIUrl | Yes | URL for the VCKit API | String |
issuer | Yes | Issuer identifier for the Verifiable Credential | String |
headers | No | Custom headers to be included in the request to the Verifiable Credential service | HTTP Headers |
restOfVC | No | Contain any additional properties that are a part of the standard VC structure | restOfVC |
The restOfVC
object contains any additional properties that are a part of the standard Verifiable Credential structure.
Property | Required | Description | Type |
id | No | values include UUID and DIDs | String |
validUntil | No | representing the date and time the credential ceases to be valid | DateTimeStamp |
renderMethod | No | render template used in VCkit | renderMethod |
The renderMethod
object contains the render template used in VCkit.
Property | Required | Description | Type |
template | Yes | value of template | String |
type | Yes | type of template | String |