Ways to Participate
Under the UN/CEFACT Open Development Process (ODP), participation in this project is open to all. There are several ways to participate:
Become an observer: Anyone interested in following the activities and outcomes from this project but will not be actively contributing to the standards development work nor participating in early implementations. Observers may join the conversation on our Slack channel and/or subscribe to our monthly project newsletter.
Validate Sustainability Criteria: Up- and midstream CRM supply chain actors, such as mining companies, smelters, processors and manufacturers, are invited to indicate the kind of sustainability information their buyers and sellers are requesting from them. The Project Team has created this short survey (15 minutes) which will ask participants to select from a set of ESG criteria. The Project Team will follow up with willing respondents for a 30-60 minute information interview. Survey and interview results will assist in the refinement of a finalized sustainability criteria list, which will be used by implementers to design their digital product passports.
Become an early implementer: CRM supply chain actors, regulators, performance certifiers, or software vendors that wish to participate in early implementation and testing of the draft standard and/or certify their software against the standards defined by this project, can indicate their interest using this form. Further information on implementation activities can be found in the Guidance for Implementers section of this website, and in the diagram below.
Contribute to the development of draft deliverables: During the initial phase of the project, from July 2023 to July 2024, contributors provided their deep business domain knowledge in CRM supply chain sustainability and/or technical skills in decentralized architectures and data modeling. They contributed to the development of draft deliverables, such as the draft Technical Specification and Sustainability Criteria. Contributors had to conform to UN/CEFACT IPR policy and join UN/CEFACT as a registered expert, which requires the approval of their country's head of delegation. Now that the project has advanced to the implementation and test phase, the work of the Contributors is complete.
Get involved with the White Paper: Help draft the white paper on addressing conflict of laws and facilitating digital product passports (DPPs) in cross-border supply chains to achieve legal coordination and establish traceability in global trade law. Aligned with regional and global initiatives, the White Paper seeks to address conflicts of law and foster the legal harmonization essential for the DPPs implementation across borders. The white paper will also ensure that DPPs comply with international standards, promoting interoperability and supporting a globally consistent approach. Please contact jeanne.huang@sydney.edu.au to indicate your interest.